week, I opened by comparing Alpha to the Bible. I had one more reason for
that analogy that I didn’t mention: much like American conservatives love the
Bible, Magic’s conservatives love Alpha.
It’s this love of Alpha that inspired Magic’s shift from its
renaissance period (Kamigawa through Lorwyn/Shadowmoor blocks) to its
conservative era (starting with Shards of Alara). While Magic 2010 didn’t kick
off this period, it summarizes the ethos of Magic conservatism better than any
other set.
Conservatives (specifically, reactionaries) are defined in
part by their desire to return to a mythical “way things used to be,” back when
everything was wonderful and kids had respect for their elders and traditional
social institutions. There’s been a good deal of research proving the stereotype
that people tend to get more conservative as they age, so it should come as no
surprise that as Magic (and its designers) age, the game grows more
conservative in ideology as well.
I’d like everyone to go read Forsythe’s essential feature article outlining the
ideology behind Magic 2010, with an eye toward a few things: first,
the word choice he uses and how it lines up with conservative phrasing and
talking points. “Recapturing.” “In the beginning” (literally the opening words
of the King James Bible). Talking about “that long, slow transition” as a bad

But what is Magic supposed to resonate with? Forsythe is very clear about this: it should resonate with
“traditional fantasy.” But what, exactly, is traditional fantasy? A tradition
is something passed down within a culture, rather than globally; since Magic is
an American game, made by white people, it follows that the tradition Forsythe
refers to is the white American concept of what “fantasy” is. Because white
Americans hold as an invisible assumption that they are the majority, that their traditions are the traditions, Forsythe doesn’t even
need to specify what falls under traditional fantasy. Forsythe simply presumes
his reader will see “traditional fantasy” and immediately jump to CS Lewis and
Tolkein; it never seems to occur to Forsythe that people might have different
ideas of tradition, or even no idea of “traditional fantasy” at all.
Forsythe specifies that M10 replaces “names and concepts
meaningless to anyone not already involved in the property” with cards that
will make it feel like “the fantasy they know is coming to life.” He is making
assumptions about who will, in the future, be interested in playing Magic: not necessarily people coming from other
competitive games, or people worldwide who want to play a card game while
hanging out with friends, but people who want to evoke his idea of “traditional
Here’s how I read this: Magic no longer wants to make new things, because new things will not
be recognized by the general population. The game should be “resonant” in that
everything in the game reminds the player strongly of things they know already.
Not that Kavu were the greatest idea for a new race of creatures, but he seems
inherently dismissive of the idea of Magic creating a genuinely new race of
beings, rather than one that players see and go, “oh, like in Lord of the
The grand goal for Magic 2010, from Forsythe’s point of
view, is making a core Magic set that’s resonant like Alpha was. Of course,
it’ll be filtered through a lens of modern design, nostalgia, and ideology just
like the Bible is filtered by people talking about it.

In a move that was widely mocked at the time, Magic 2010 was
marketed as having half new cards, but twenty of them were extant cards given
new names (and sometimes creature types). Savannah Lions became Elite Vanguard,
because they wanted it at uncommon and to play up the
“soldier matters” theme, while Glory Seeker (a soldier) became
Silvercoat Lion… for… hmmm.
One of these changes was replacing Alpha’s Grizzly Bears
with Runeclaw Bear. Even if we accept the concept of making Magic resonant with
Lord of the Rings and other canonical Western fantasy, trying to make Magic
more magical by making Grizzly Bears into Runeclaw Bear is silly. I don’t know
what a Runeclaw is. I don’t like reading or saying the word Runeclaw. It seems
perfectly normal to me that a wizard would, for a small amount of resources,
summon non-magical creatures to assist them. It might not resonate with me in a
fantastical way, but at least I know what a Grizzly Bear looks like. A common vanilla 2/2 does not have to be
magical and imposing. It’s a bear.
One of the conservative era’s defining aspects, alongside
the mythic rarity and New World Order, is the emphasis on planeswalkers. Any
design guidelines about complexity, cultural non-recognition of specific names,
or resonance with extant fantasy fall before the specter of the planeswalker.
Complexity? Players like them, so they’ll learn
how they work, and they’re mythics anyway. People don’t know who Liliana is?
Well, they’ll want to know, and maybe
they saw some marketing material about her already. They don’t need to resonate
with other media, because they’re Wizards’s iconic characters.[1]
The biggest example of this contradiction is how a card like “Counsel of the
Soratami” is unacceptable because it makes a reference to something players
don’t know, but “Jace’s Ingenuity” is a fine name for a core set (even going so
far as to replace Arc Lightning with the clumsier-sounding Flames of the
Firebrand, but that’s jumping ahead several sets).
[1] What’s always been striking to me is the gap between how hard Wizards pushes planeswalkers as a marketing vehicle and how little the general public seems to give a shit about them. Sure, they’re the default things to cosplay as for the few people doing Magic cosplay, but they don’t seem to have really caught on as key to a person’s identity as, for example, specific League of Legends champions do with people, or even a person’s color/guild identity. Maybe it’s because we’re merely using these characters toward a bigger goal in the game, rather than embodying them. Or perhaps it’s because Magic had such a deep culture, with other iconography that was more important to us, before planeswalkers existed. Or perhaps, as I’d like to imagine, it’s that Wizards is just trying to force characters down players’ throats despite those characters just not being that interesting.
So was Magic 2010, like, a good set? It was… okay. For all their
rhetoric about a grand new design for core sets, including giving them
prereleases just like Real Sets, Magic 2010 turned out to be about as different
from Tenth Edition as previous core sets had been from one another. It was
notably more pleasant to draft, which was a definite upside, but looking over
the spoiler basically makes it look like any other core set, but with mythics,
planeswalkers, and nominally new cards.

Scry, as I’ve discussed previously, fucking owns. Foresee
might be one of the most fun-to-cast cards ever printed, let alone for a card
that was in a core set (but that’s not too surprising for a Future Sight card).
It smoothed out draws, making games just more fun for everyone. The beauty of
scry, to me, is how difficult a mechanic it is… but in a way that hides its
difficulty from newer players. Need land? Move spells to the bottom. Need
spells? Move land to the bottom. To them, it’s really that simple. To more
advanced players, of course, it’s worthy of entire theoretical discussions. I
love scry, and I’m delighted that it’s going to be printed more often in the
M11’s scry did highlight that library manipulation is still
considered a blue thing, and I have the same issues with this as I do with
making card draw blue. If Crystal Ball is a printable artifact, then why is
there only one card with scry in M11 that’s a color other than blue?
The other issue is that it had five cards with scry, instead
of more than five. This would have been the perfect set to introduce scrylands.
While the big ticket cards from Magic 2011 were the extraordinarily
powerful titans, their equivalent in Magic 2012 was… the same titans! Again!
This plays into Magic 2012’s theme of being completely forgettable.

[3] Longtime readers of mine will recognize this as Grand Prix Montreal.
[4] M12 also introduced My Least-Favorite Planeswalker Design.

Magic 2013 is credited as being lead designed by Doug Beyer,
but everyone associated with Wizards knows who the real author was: Zac Hill. This
was the perfect combination, where Beyer provided the high-level view of what
M13 was allowed to do, and Hill molded it into a modern classic. The lead
developer of another core set was known to complain that all Hill did was test
and tweak M13 draft all day. As it turns out, nonstop limited-centric iteration
is the absolute best way to design a core set in this era.
Similar to the way Innistrad was constructed, with
optional-but-powerful archetypes, Magic 2013 hides its deep archetype-driven
draft format behind a visage of simplicity. The timeless draft strategy of
“dudes and removal” is just as viable as ever, but decks such as mill,
white-based tokens, and BW exalted are possible. Mix-and-match discovery is
hidden among the commons, such as how multiple colors have common enablers to
play nicely with white’s token-making. Seemingly simple uncommons like Fungal
Sprouting aren’t there by accident: that’s an off-color bomb to go with the
Exalted plan, in a way that also ties
into other decks.
Magic 2015 tried its best to be M13, bless its heart. All
the pieces were there: a build-around, creature-based mechanic in Convoke,
reasons to play different archetypes in draft, some hidden gems scattered
around the rarities, even Kird Ape-esque allied-colored uncommon creatures with
activation abilities in that paired color. It just… wasn’t quite tuned as
nicely. Convoke, rather than being a nice mechanic that could also get built
around, was oppressively the best, with Triplicate Spirits crowding out
everything else at common.
I can’t fault M15 for design reasons, really. It just needed
a couple more weeks of development iterations to make its cards play nicely
with one another. As opposed to my miserable M12 experience, I did team sealed
at a Grand Prix with M15, and had a ton of fun both playing the format and divvying
up sealed pools into different decks. But I also realize that the same format
would have been even better if it was with M13 instead. Too much of team sealed
came down to how good the white tokens deck was, with how many Spirits.

A pillar of conservative era dogma is that players need
comfort and familiarity from Magic. As far as selling things to people, this is
true in some ways. However, when the marketing tells people that things are
comforting and familiar, rather than new and different, it’s hard to get people
busting down the doors for it. I might want to buy a new, soft blanket to
snuggle, but I’m not going to be camped out all night waiting for the chance to
get it first.
The architects of this Magical conservatism say that players
crave familiarity, but I’d accuse them of projecting a bit. As the game nears
its 25th year, it seems more that Wizards themselves is trying to cling to an
ideal past, for the comfort and old-timeyness of Alpha, more than the players
are. The conservative era is an acknowledgement that Magic was an exciting and
innovative game, but that the new innovations should be more subtle and less
surprising (“innovation that doesn’t shock,” to quote Rosewater’s
most important essay).
This era aimed to have a basic, non-challenging design, and
the sets tuned it from somewhere between M13’s perfection and M12’s sticky
blandness. Some of the sets were interesting and useful. That’s the highest
praise I can give them, because that’s the highest they aimed.
You talk about M13 without even mentioning Thragtusk once. M13's year in standard was defined by Thragtusk because the set just before it had Restoration Angel.
M12 was pretty good for Standard, a little bland but functional, but maybe that was just Scars/Innistrad carrying it.
I remember reading that the problem with Grizzly Bears is two-fold: first, its a race of bears existing on Earth, and second, it's "bears". The fact that a bunch of bears is just 2/2 doesn't really make sense, and neither does the fact that, for tribal standardization reasons, it should be "Creature - Bear", because they're several. The second argument also works for Llanowar Elves.
Also, I don't know why bear is still supported as a creature type, when beast would do just fine.
A little ridiculous, but I guess that's what I read you for.
It's hard to chalk Magic2010 up to "nostalgia" given that it was designed during the "boy was Time Spiral a mistake" years. I'd say the keyword is accessibility. Sure, not everyone has the same shared culture, but Vampire is a much more understandable creature type than Vedalken or Boggle.
More importantly it was a shift to more top-down design. Scry is a great mechanic, but it's a lot more "resonant" on a Crystal Ball than on a burn spell. 2010 didn't have a featured keyword but it did start this idea which would probably peak around Innistrad. (For better or worse. I don't know if Magic needs shovels, but it is an accessible idea.)
And we can't really complain that they aren't breaking new ground while also saying they push planeswalkers too hard. While I don't personally care about any of their stories I certainly recognize a brandable concept when I see it. Plus I'm sure the Planeswalker-themed movie will bea disaster, so we have that to look forward to.
Spot-on, as always. With each passing year, the Planeswalker angle seems more and more to me like a sophomore English major's excited attempt to write a novel immediately after learning what a bildungsroman is. (I should know; I've kind of been that person--minus the actual majoring-in-English part.)
I'm very happy this came so quickly on the heels of the last post after waiting so long before that, but now I'm wondering where you'll go next with these. I hope you can find a sustainable new angle.
P.S. I just got into the AI-creates-Magic-cards thing, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on what, if anything, that says about the actual game.
You really stretched this one to fit a political ideology.
It goes without saying, of course, that it's your review and your political ideology and it's entirely for the best, both for you and for overall pan-review quality, if you get to do whatever you want with both of those things.
However: it feels like the stretching weakens the review, especially when you dislike the Conservative Era kicking off with replacing old cards for the sake of replacing them. Reading this and the previous one after the other, it sounds like the CE has way more new stuff and innovation than the BCE. It's quite confusing given what "Conservative" would typically imply.
Overall I think this would be plain better if the contorted political shot-taking were just flat out removed. And this is from someone who agrees that conservatism and bet-hedging is a bane on game design (and a lot of other forms of creativity besides)
No hesitation when I'm castin a spell
I could never be a thug
they don't dress this well
I got annoyed with the contorted political potshots (you are not a political theorist, and they are not original or novel potshots, so just stop, it's embarrassing), but I found it difficult to take this seriously once you decided that M10 somehow didn't offer anything new.
The set printed Baneslayer Angel. A *huge* part of M10 and resonance was that the cards that looked good and seemed cool to newer players should *actually* be good. They didn't want new players to look at their awesome dragons and angels and vampires and what have you, and then try to build a deck and be told "no, those cards all suck, you want to playing with nothing but 2 mana instants, sorry".
Moving Serra Angel to uncommon and bringing in Baneslayer as the signature 5 mana angel crystallized this decision in a way no article could. I don't think any magic card summarizes the new card sets more, and probably no other card summarizes the new development philosophy more *in general*.
Also, as far as "reprinting titans" and what have you, that was intentional. The original idea with the new core sets was that the splashy powerful things would stay in for 2 sets - so each set would have the previous splashy things, and a set of new splashy things.
This is why M10 and M11 both had Lightning Bolt and Baneslayer Angel, and M11 and M12 both had Mana Leak and Titans (there's other cards that fit this pattern too).
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I'm reading through your articles to catch up with the sets I missed between Ravnica and now, and I just saw the art for the M14 slivers. I want to die.
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