The best way to think about Planeswalkers is that they’re
aliens. While they might be printed with
the set whose icon adorns them, they are not of the set. They are from elsewhere, and everything about them,
from their mechanics to their name and aesthetic highlights their other-ness.
Monday, January 19, 2015
Sunday, January 18, 2015
kill reviews: alara block
Hope you enjoyed all the chat about Lorwyn and Shadowmoor, because this thing's about to get sad.
During Alara block’s time in Standard, many tournament
players played in events using Jund, in a format where it was the only good
deck, in order to grind against other Jund decks that varied by no more than
two cards. This illustrated to me the great importance of having non-Magic
hobbies to fall back on.
steve argyle: one of the worst artists in magic's history
Most modern Magic art is pretty good. More specifically, it
varies from “eh” to “that’s kinda cool,” with very little deviation therein.
The strict style guides, combined with art direction that seems to be aimed at
creating a generic house style for Magic, have pushed out most of the truly
unique artists from the game. There are a few holdovers, namely Terese Nielsen,
whose art direction often invents ways of saying “make something that looks
like Terese Nielsen art.” There are some recognizable styles, like Raymond
Swanland’s “ALL SPIKE EVERYTHING,” the logical conclusion of Magic art trying
to be as badass and masculine as possible.
And there’s Steve Argyle, who’s fucking awful.
Monday, January 5, 2015
kill reviews: shadowmoor mini-block
pt i: this isn’t
about magic so just scroll on past if that’s what you’re here for
I’ve been procrastinating writing about Shadowmoor and
Eventide for a pretty basic reason: I didn’t play with it. This is also true of
every block before Urza’s (and I had a pretty sketchy grasp of everything
before Onslaught, really), but that was easily solved by looking at the cards,
seeing how they influenced things that came later, and introducing people to
these usually-obscure objects.