Hope you enjoyed all the chat about Lorwyn and Shadowmoor, because this thing's about to get sad.
During Alara block’s time in Standard, many tournament
players played in events using Jund, in a format where it was the only good
deck, in order to grind against other Jund decks that varied by no more than
two cards. This illustrated to me the great importance of having non-Magic
hobbies to fall back on.

I think of Alara block as a failure, but Magic in this
period is moving toward something that fails in different ways than earlier
blocks could fail. Ice Age block failed like the treehouse of a group of
industrious but overly-ambitious children, all their hopes and ideas for a place
to hang out crashing down in the breaking of twigs and twine and their project
laying in a heap in front of them. Urza block was a shining star that burned so
bright it exploded the instant it was exposed to the sky. Masques block aimed
so far away from anything resembling fun Magic that it circled back around and
succeeded as a commentary on human misery.
Alara block, though, failed like an up-and-coming executive
who sets out to change corporate culture who gets the job and turns thirty,
forty, fifty years old without recognizing that he long ago became the culture
he set out to change. Until the last set of Alara, I see none of the optimism
and ambition so overflowing during Magic’s Renaissance
If you were playing during this block, a trivia question:
what was Jund? What color was it supposed to embody? What were the ideas that
expressed themselves mechanically? What was the keyword mechanic? Four of the
shards, including Jund, got one.
Jund was the red shard. Its ideology was centered around
dragons (Sarkhan Vol makes his first appearance here), though the set only had
four of them. Its keyword mechanic, devour, was supposed to embody the strong
triumphing over the weak, which is… somehow more red-centered than anything
else? It was practically invisible to players, because it was only on seven
cards in Shards, and five of them were rare. Jund just wasn’t defined in any
interesting way, and it tragically went on to become the period’s defining
Standard deck.
I realize that, similar to
the review of Mirrodin, I’m focusing a lot on a single Standard deck in a
review of the block. But in this case, I think it’s appropriate. Surely, a
shard from the block seeing big Standard play should showcase all the immersive
power of modern design… right? The deck, to me, symbolizes what Magic design
had become: so terrified of printing open-ended combo enablers or powerful
control cards, the defining deck is a huge heap of powerful nothing. It’s not
fast, it’s not slow, it’s not synergistic, it’s not implementing a specific
strategy. It’s just playing the most powerful cards available, and those cards
all happen to be in three colors. There’s no counter-strategy to trump it,
because there’s no strategy there to react to. Its only vulnerability was the
manabase, so the only deck that could consistently defeat it was the
blue-enchant-land-based Spread ‘Em that functioned mostly as a satire of
competitive Standard decks.
I really hated Jund. Not sure if I’ve gotten that across
It wasn’t just the Standard environment that sucked, though.
Limited was hampered by how this inherently three-color format (as the
marketing, and the cards, told us) just didn’t have the mana fixing necessary
to support that.

One of the shitty parts of Magic is that a certain
percentage of games just aren’t games because of land issues. We’ve all heard
the annoying guy complaining about it to no one in particular about how he just
can’t get any lands, but there is some truth there. Something like one out of
four games, one player or the other doesn’t draw the lands to play their
spells, so they lose. Skewing Magic toward that happening more often—where the
game is essentially not played due to land—would have to make the average
non-mana-screw game way more fun just
to break even against those awful lopsided games. From what I’ve seen of Shards
when things actually do work out for
both people in the game, the payoff didn’t seem worth it.

The other three landed somewhere in the middle. Grixis was a
bunch of black dead stuff, and the Unearth keyword actually made it into some
pretty cool Standard decks. Holding it back, though, were all the restrictions
that modern design levies against putting things into play from anywhere but
the hand; you had to squint really hard to see it doing anything more “unfair”
than normal creature decks just casting spells the normal way. Speaking of
which, both Naya and Bant were about casting creatures, and that was the shard.
Naya pointed more toward large things with a “five power matters” theme that
absolutely no one cared about, while Bant incentivized only attacking with one
creature with Exalted and the phenomenally silly Sovereigns of Lost Alara.

With very little emphasizing the shards’ separation in the
initial set, their merger in the second set just didn’t hit with the impact it
should have. Conflux may be the epitome of the dull second set: more of the
same, plus a half-hearted subtheme that gets dropped by the time the third set
comes around. It attempted a return (and ability word-ization) of the Invasion
mechanic domain, which was met with a massive shrug. For a mechanic making a
return after nine years, it didn’t seem to explore any new territory. Wasn’t
there something better to do with it other than bring it back for ten cards
with changing it at all? One of them was a reprint from the earlier set, and
it’s impossible to distinguish it from the new ones. Not a good sign.
Everything in the set that wasn’t explicitly telling the player to play five
colors was something that could have been in the first set.
Alara Reborn, though, is a different beast. If you drafted
the block the first time around, before the inversion of pack order took
effect, you know what I’m about to say: the first pack, hey, there are some
good cards here. Pack two was a bit rougher, maybe a couple high-tier ones
before they go into mediocrity. Then Alara Reborn comes around and hits you
with a firehose worth of massively overpowered gold cards. It’s like waking up
on Christmas morning to find out that your parents got you a new house… because
the current one couldn’t hold all the presents they bought for you.
Unlike the previous two sets, I cannot fault Alara Reborn
for conservatism. It is all-in on its “only gold” gimmick, and every card is
pushed power-wise to the absolute breaking point. For a lot of them, that meant
that deckbuilders got a whole ton of new things to play around with. But a few
cards… had cascade.
As a general point of starting research, I always look at
Rosewater’s “state of design” for the year covering the block I’m writing
about. His 2009 did not mention cascade. If memory serves, the designers
defended it at the time and after, saying that it led to fun gameplay, and any
power concerns are to be addressed toward developers.

[1] It wasn’t in Shards, but Planechase did print a gold three-mana 2/2 with no other abilities. It defined a Legacy deck for a period of time.
Cascade is inherently incredibly powerful: you get something
that could cost only one mana less than the spell you played, so if you hit a
spell that costs that, any non-cascade parts of the card only cost one
additional mana. This probably means that you would get, say, a vanilla 2/1.
Instead, Alara Reborn gave you a 3/2 with haste. That’s so beyond what it
should be that it’s just not in the same stratosphere.
That’s on the developers, obviously, but I blame the designers, too. They
created a mechanic that inherently could not be balanced. And how do the
designers respond to this? They basically tell people that we’re wrong, and it
is a good mechanic. Nope, sorry.
It might be one of the most tilting things to play against
in Magic. Normally, when someone topdecks a good card, unless they explicitly
tell you (or their hand was empty and they immediately cast it), it’s basically
hidden from the other player. Cascade brings this out into the open. When you
cast Bloodbraid Elf and flip cards off the top until you hit Blightning, you
are commanded by the card to rub it in your opponent’s face. “Look at what I
got off the top!”, your card says out loud to your opponent. “FOR FREEEEEE”, it
adds helpfully. If it had just drawn a card, that would have been less insulting.
Of course, a 3/2 with haste that draws a card would have been way too good at
four mana (as Nantuko Shaman told us). But if it’s the same, but way better?
Oh, that’s fine.
What I see when I look at the block as a whole as something
that went along same-ol’-same-ol’ to start, then gave us more mediocrity, then
went completely off the rails trying to accomplish its gimmick. Alara Reborn
being all-gold certainly must have taken some of the coolest cards away from
Conflux; the only noteworthy ones that ended up in the second set were the
five-color ones like the bizarre-looking Child of Alara, and the card used as
the poster boy of the set: Nicol Bolas.

But speaking of gold cards, and multicolor in general:
Shards block is where I got really, really tired of multicolor as a theme.
Invasion was revolutionary, Ravnica made it better, then Shadowmoor brings back
hybrid as its mini-block’s theme… and we’re back to full-on multicolor
immediately after? That gave us all of one
block that didn’t have multicolor as something anchoring it between Ravnica
and Shards. When multicolor is done that often, it ceases to be something
special. It’s just… another Magic block.[2]
[2] And yet they can’t give us full-art lands all the time for the exact same reason.
The art is worth mentioning in this block, because I won’t
be talking about it much in the reviews to come. The reason: Shards set the
standard for what all Magic art would look like, and it wouldn’t vary. The style
guide would be followed exactly, and
no impressionistic or otherwise non-representative art would be allowed in
these worlds of mages and spells. It even unleashes the full glory of Steve Argyle on us, and that’s worth a piece by itself.
There’s a reason I chose Alara as the block that starts the
conservative era of Magic. It’s the first block where we see New World Order
unleashed upon us in its full glory. My precise review is: ehh. They can do
whatever they want at common if it leads to good limited environments; later
sets would show that it’s very possible. But Alara block was a mediocre way to
kick off this new stage in Magic design. The top-level design was promising,
but the execution was lacking. The creative didn’t tie into the gameplay.
Standard was bad. Limited was bad. It gave us two non-memorable sets, and a
third that was memorable only for how broken it was.
Next time, it’s Zendikar block. Did you know that there are
people that think Zendikar and Worldwake are good sets? They exist, and I don’t
understand them at all.
In defense of poor old Jund, it wasn't just "the Red shard" but the Green-Red-Black shard, and the strong triumphing over the week is very Green and Black.
But yeah, what a snooze of a set. Alara: who gives a fuck?
The one nice thing they did was the Planeswalker's Guide - Esper and Bant had some fun worldbuilding in particular (canny observers will note a North African aesthetic for the one and a Mesopotamian one that runs though the other, and not just in the Sphinxes,) though the others were rather uninspired.
I started just before ISD, and I've always been curious about Shards block precisely because I heard so little about it. Now I know why.
@M: Interesting comment on the cultural aspects, going to go read the Guide now...
ETA: Nvm, not going to go read it; I thought my first Google hit was for a Mothership article, but the first 3 hits are actually all trying to sell me some BS ebook. Screw that.
NWO started in zendikar according to rosewater
Gotta disagree with you on Jund. Jund did have a strong mechanical identity, it's just that Constructed "Jund decks" didn't really partake of it--they were "Jund" only in terms of their colors.
Jund's mechanical theme was "dying matters". In addition to the devour dudes, Jund had a partial cycle of uncommon creatures that permanently got bigger each time something died, and some more creatures and a rare enchantment that triggered to do other stuff whenever something died. To feed the death eaters, Jund also had spells that made tokens and creatures that turned into tokens when they died, such as Sprouting Thrinax.
Although it may have been a coincidence, it's worth mentioning that Innistrad's dying-matters ability word Morbid ended up squarely in the Jund colors--green primary, black secondary and red tertiary.
Reposted left out a thought.
I thought the shards all had an identity. Down at my FNm the Bant decks would give jund a run. We played the normal bant list : hierarch , Rhox warmonk , rafiq, but also we played jenara and the hammer. Lots of life gain to stretch the games out.
Eventually it was 4-5 color control (bolos) that took over, and then Zendikar swept in like fresh air.
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