The largest exception to this, the idea that makes Magic
distinct from other fantasy properties, is the color system. Sure, there are
lots of things that have some similar ideas (Star Wars with its childishly
simple “Light Side” and “Dark Side,” or any number that theme sorcery around
the elements, even if one kid gets stuck with Heart), but the way that
everything under the sun can get classified according to color is rather
The colors of Magic can even be used to classify oneself or
other people, in a way that’s certainly way better than the Harry Potter houses
(Hufflepuff got nothing), and rather
comparable to the Myers-Briggs personality test, in that they’re both
interesting thought experiments with next to no applications outside of being
sort of interesting. I know that I’ve certainly been incensed by something
silly like, for example, Rosewater saying that Ozymandias from Watchmen is
This is only possible because the colors have such a richly-imagined
[1] He’s so blue! He’s the bluest ever, are you kidding me? The aspect it keeps highlighting of him, over and over, is his intelligence and planning, not his strong moral compass or whatever. He constructs this elaborate plan, secret from all the governments of the world (definitely not white), with elaborately-constructed monsters and story from writers and artists (totally blue), based on a cold calculus that it will, by the numbers, benefit humanity despite acknowledging how horrible it is to do what he’s doing (literally the bluest course of action I can come up with). How the fuck would he be white?! UGH.

While the colors themselves are extremely general, capable
of fitting the role as either hero, villain, or somewhere in between in any
situation, the guilds created some specificity for what pairs of colors would
do together. It led to a lot of thoughtful-but-lighthearted conversations about
what guild best defined people, and even those like me that didn’t care in
the slightest about the storyline or setting of Magic were entranced by the
various guilds of Ravnica.
But it wasn’t enough that Ravnica had the most interesting
lore concept of any block made up to this point. They had to find a way to get
ten guilds’ worth of cards printed in three sets, and to do that, they settled
on the 4-3-3 split: Ravnica had Dimir, Selesnya, Golgari, and Boros; Guildpact
had Gruul, Orzhov, and Izzet; and Dissension had Azorius, Rakdos, and Simic.[2]
While the sets did have some unique aspects to them beyond the guilds, like the
Nephilim in Guildpact and the return of split cards in Dissension, the ten
guilds are the important parts, and what people remember. So then, I’ll be
talking about this block not as a group of three, but a group of ten.
Dimir had a lot to live up to, as blue-black has
historically been the most powerful color combination in Magic, as evidenced by
Psychatog and the price of Underground Sea. It had a lot of hype leading up to
it, but theming the guild around milling doomed its most notable cards to
casual play (or elevated them past the competitive tables, depending on how you
look at it). Transmute was kind of eh, and printing a lot of tutors led to the
most obvious of outcomes: they ended up in a few combo decks, duh. Despite all
this, blue-black control was the best deck for a while when Ravnica was in
Standard. What Dimir cards did it use? The lands. That was enough. It relied on
Teferi, Mystical Teachings, Remand, and exactly zero spells with a Dimir watermark. It was called either “Dralnu du
Louvre,” or Dralnu, or Mystical Teachings. It was never called Dimir. For this to happen can only be considered at
least a mild failure of Dimir to deliver to the people that want to play
Selesnya fared a lot better. Convoke is a great mechanic
that lays somewhere in the middle of linear and modular, leading sensibly to a
convoke-based deck that makes token after token to pump out cheap spells. You
can also just throw a couple cards with the mechanic into any deck where it
would be naturally good, and not feel bad about it at all. The cards played off
the colors historical strengths while pushing them further together than they
could go separately (including Selesnya Guildmage, one of the all-time greatest
limited blowouts), and cards like Glare of Subdual and Vitu-Ghazi could even
lead the colors into an interesting board control-type strategy (Ghazi-Glare
was the deck’s name). And doing all this didn’t sacrifice the colors’
aggressive potential, nor the capability of going full casual with a thousand
500/500 creatures. This is probably the block’s best-executed guild.
Golgari cards got a lot of play as soon as the set was
released, as it was the only guild in the set to overlap with two other ones.
This led to a lot of rather uninteresting Rock-style midrange things. True to
the guild’s nature as the lords of death and rot, the dredge mechanic had to
lay there unwanted and festering for a year and a half before Future Sight came
around to give that mechanic a reason to go in tournament decks. Then it was
all over.[3]
Extended was dominated by dredge decks until Odyssey block rotated out, and
then it became “just” another combo deck that would consistently win turn three
or four every game. Can the guild be faulted for those cards that came so much
later (and ~from the future~)? Well…
sort of. It’s pretty obvious, in retrospect, that after all the combo decks
whose starting point is “put a lot of cards in the graveyard,” cards that could
do that for free would be pretty useful. There was very little usage of dredge
in a “fair” context outside of Life from the Loam, one of the block’s coolest
[3] This also happens to be the best deck I’ve ever designed, by quite a bit. Back when I used to playtest online regularly against Gavin Verhey, I would make new decks and he’d demolish them. Then, I started tuning a Standard dredge deck that was slightly different than what everyone else was making. I’m pretty sure this was the list:
4 Llanowar Wastes
9 Forest
1 Swamp
4 Greenseeker
4 Llanowar Mentor
4 Golgari Grave-Troll
4 Stinkweed Imp
4 Golgari Thug
1 Darkblast
1 Life from the Loam
4 Dread Return
4 Bridge from Below
4 Narcomoeba
4 Leyline of the Void
2 Bogardan Hellkite
1 Akroma, Angel of Wrath
1 Voidstone Gargoyle
Everyone else was trying to get way too cute, going with cards like Magus of the Bazaar for the ultimate combo turn and win with Flame-Kin Zealot. This is way splashier, and the combo finish is certainly the way to go in bigger formats, but the idea here was to maximize the percentage that the dredging would get started, then plop out an early Hellkite or Akroma with a bunch of zombie tokens. That would almost certainly be good enough.
It’s difficult to overstate how good this deck was vs the field at the time. It had the luxury of four maindeck Leylines, which are almost entirely to ensure that our Bridges don’t get removed (and to hose anyone else playing Dredge).
Then in the sideboard, against anyone we thought would bring in hate, we went with a transformational option. The best card to do this at the time? Tarmogoyf. We all got a playset of them for the sideboard at $2 each. I ended up selling mine for $30 each and thought I had made out like a bandit.
However, the thing I will never forgive Gavin for: he bought the entire deck, after weeks of rigorous testing, and results showing it demolishing everything. Then, at the last minute… he audibled into some midrange thing with Withered Wretch instead. Banning me from MTGSalvation was fine, but this... this was treason.

Gruul, on the other hand, is more up my alley. For a long,
long time at the local card shop when I could only afford one deck, it was RG
beatdown with accelerated Plow Under. Tons of fun for everyone. Gruul turned
out about like everyone expected: its creatures attacked a lot, they were large
and undercosted, there were tournament decks based around large, undercosted
creatures. Cards like Burning-Tree Shaman and Scab-Clan Mauler, while rather
underwhelming today due to the creep in creature power level, were the most
efficient beaters available to anyone. The guild didn’t dramatically expand the
scope of what red-green as a color pair could do, like Boros did, but it
basically delivered on what people expected.

Orzhov is the weird one. There are five enemy colors in Magic, but due to our preconceived notions of good and evil, none of those pairs feel more like enemies than black and white. Their guild went for a theme of slow and grindy, eking out one life drained here and there. Nothing shows this off better than Ghost Council of Orzhova, an efficient creature to rival Gruul’s offerings and practically impossible to deal with as soon as it came into play. Especially with Kamigawa block providing a good base of black and white creatures, no guild in Ravnica inspired more diverse decks than Orzhov. There were aggressive ones, midrange ones, controlling ones, oddball ones like Ghost Dad (which I seem to mention every week), decks built more heavily around single cards like Promise of Bunrei, and probably others I forget. Orzhov seems like it was extremely difficult to design, but the basic theme of a corrupt religion taxing people came across impressively strongly in gameplay, and it led to too many cool decks to say that it was anything other than great.
Izzet had more problems with it. Yes, it was supposed to be the ‘spell guild,’ but blue-red decks that just cast a bunch of spells… those are called combo decks. They win on turn three or four, and Wizards tries to disallow them whenever possible. With the exception of Niv-Mizzet, it’s difficult for me to even remember any strongly Izzet-feeling cards (and that’s just a big dragon with abilities, not something that embodies the ideas that went into the guild). This is one of the biggest gaps between, creatively, what a guild should do and what a guild can do once it passes through design and development. The guild got kicker as its mechanic, which is nice, but this didn’t make its cards stand out from the rest of the block.

Rakdos fit much more nicely with the flavor: they’re all-out in trying to murder things, but in a crazy way, not a righteous one. Their mechanic, Hellbent, was so successful as an ability word that for a while, it was an often-used piece of Magic jargon even outside the block. The aggressive creatures with disadvantages, heavy reliance on sacrificing, Hellbent, and plethora of discard spells all worked in unison to go perfectly together into the same decks. It turns out those decks were all pretty bad, but hey, misleading players into thinking that certain cards would be good is a victory itself. It’s why Magic needs to be explored, not just evaluated on first glance.

[4] I do really love the idea of a previous terrible creature getting a Simic version that’s way better, but that’s a pure flavor curiosity rather than anything relating to gameplay.
Phew! Okay. I’ve given fairly micro-level analysis of all
ten guilds, but how did they fit together? Absolutely wonderfully. The above
discussion was all about guild-specific stuff, but if you look at the spoilers
of the sets, there are a ton of cards outside them. Those are the glue holding
this block together. They’re what allowed a unique draft environment where
people would draft a guild in one pack, then shift into a different guild, then
take the overlapping one in pack three. Or, if they were feeling like they knew
everything better than the other players, they could purposefully draft a
non-guild color combination in one pack because they knew exactly what they
wanted from the next one.
To be honest, though, I know very little of Ravnica drafting.
I didn’t do it much at the time, and I’ve never gone back and retro-drafted the
block. As a teenager, it was too expensive to devote over $10 a week… okay, I
probably could have made that work. The real reason I didn’t draft was that I
considered myself a Constructed Player. Even more specifically than that: I was
a Constructed Deckbuilder.
Somewhere on the 40GB hard drives scattered around my
apartment are hundreds of .txt, .dec, and .mws files. They range from ones that
I got 20 cards into before giving up to decks that I spent months building,
playtesting, getting the sideboard exactly right. I would target specific
tournaments far into the future and make a deck for that, and only that,
tournament. I refused to bring a deck to a tournament that everyone else was
playing, because I wanted to make something better.
This wasn’t some MTGS-esque anti-netdecking stance. If there
was a cool deck someone else made, I would absolutely give it a try to see how
it worked. But making my own things was what I loved about Magic, and making
things that were better than what everyone else had was my goal.
No block in Magic’s history supported this better than
Ravnica. The number of decks you could bring to a tournament and win with was
dizzying. It might have been infinite. The Ravnica dual lands were an obvious
reason for this, of course; there’s no way that RWU control or four-color combo
decks would work nearly as well in previous Standard environments whose lands
punished players for such ambition. But that’s the easy way out. Even when the
lands got brought back,[5]
Standard was fairly static and uninteresting compared to this block. So what
was different?
[5] I was so careful not to make comparisons to RTR for this entire review, and I throw it all the way in the home stretch.
There were so many good cards. That’s the main thing. I don’t
mean that the cards were incredibly
powerful, in the way that Urza’s or Mirrodin blocks were. Those didn’t have
Ravnica’s diversity, because the cards that were absurdly beyond broken crowded
out the ones that were slightly less broken. Ravnica, better than any other
block, diversified its power among sets, colors, guilds, archetypes, and
strategies. Dark Confidant powered black-based aggressive decks (usually RGB),
but wasn’t so overwhelming that a Gruul deck couldn’t win a Pro Tour. At the
same time, Remand, Signets, and card advantage-providing bouncelands gave
control decks a reason to exist.

[6] There’s a specific joke in this piece that I accidentally use twice. That bit of bad writing still haunts me. It wasn’t even a good joke the first time.
For a smart 16 year-old with free time and absolutely no
interest in doing assigned schoolwork, such an open environment was practically
heaven for me. How much of this is nostalgia, and how much is what the
environment was really like? I’m hoping it’s more of the latter, but clearly, I’m
more than a little biased. But if there was a Standard tournament where Ravnica
was legal, not only would I go, I’d build three different extra decks just in
case anyone wanted to try them out.
As I’m writing this, it’s Friday morning. This Monday,
10/20/2014, 9AM PST, I’ve committed myself to releasing the next installment:
Time Spiral. Magic’s greatest block. The pinnacle of Magic creativity. So why
do the people that make Magic hate it? This was the height of Magic, and it’ll
be the most important installment of Kill Reviews. Do not miss it.
Man the part about Dimir totally strikes home with personal experience. My friends and I had just started playing at FNM where standard legality was relevant and the rotation into Ravnica was coming up and I was like, man I want to see how I can build a bad U/B control deck in Kamigawa-Ravnica block and I did some Compulsive Research to look at what kind of sweet U/B gold cards there would be, for killing creatures or countering spells but then I realized that I could only Glimpse the Unthinkable.
Then someone told me about Heartbeat Combo and magic was saved.
I loved everything in your lead-in, right up to the individual guild break-downs. Those were good, too, but I was surprisingly thought-provoked by the opening. I don't 100% agree with a couple of your points there, but I can see your POV.
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