I didn’t start playing with it, exactly. After my friends
showed me some cards, my dad got me the Portal intro pack and a 5th
edition tournament pack for Christmas one year. As an only child, I played
countless games with those cards against myself on the floor of whatever room I
was in. I then played a lot against my best friend at the time, whose mom’s
patient had given this friend a huge box full of Revised and other assorted
cards from that era.
When it came time for us to get new cards, though, Urza’s
Legacy was the newest set. All our allowances went toward acquiring further
weaponry. $3 per booster pack, and then the really big guns: $10 per
preconstructed deck. As my first-ever deck had been blue-green, I got the
Urza’s Legacy ‘Time Drain’ deck. Days before I was able to actually play it, I
stayed awake in my bed illicitly late, going through each and every card over
and over, barely able to read the text in the darkness.
As this might imply, I was not exactly a tournament
aficionado during the time of Urza Block. I do remember, though, playing with
the cards, making sure I got my lands back from Cloud of Faeries, stopping my
opponent’s spells with Miscalculation, and playing Simian Grunts at times that
were, I’m sure, completely suboptimal. Then, a year later, I remember playing
with our decks that we had crafted into Type II-legal piles (the format of the
now-defunct Arena League), and discussing how brutal the rotation would be on
Most of the discussion of Urza Block consists of knowing
smirks and shaking heads about how completely broken the cards were. They were.
There is no way to get around that. But that power level wasn’t left to the
craziest of turn one combo decks; it seeped down to children playing with
homemade unsleeved piles of their favorites.
There are a few categories that truly well-designed cards
can fall into: they can read as being totally, completely bonkers, but actually
playing fair (this encompasses a lot of “splashy” cards). They can read as
mediocre or worse, but hide a deceptive amount of power. They can remain along
the sidelines, not drawing too much attention to themselves but doing work that
needs to get done in a way that leads to fun games. Urza Block is defined by
cards in the first category. Part of the fun is seeing all these cards, many of
which seem incredibly powerful… and some of them really are. But which ones?
Reprints have dulled their ability to shock, but try to put
yourself in the mind of a newer player and reading cards like Worship, Pariah,
or Serra Avatar for the first time.[1]
Even Remembrance puts some deckbuilding wheels in motion. More serious players
who miss Crusade will appreciate Glorious Anthem, and control players will love
[1] Before it got printed five more times, Serra Avatar was in the Sliver Queen category of casual-only cards that commanded a hefty price tag.
Those are all really cool, interesting cards. They’re all
cards from one rarity in one color in Urza’s Saga. Earlier sets brokenness
comes from the wide power disparity between cards, but Urza Block brokenness
seems to spring forth from every possible location. The cards that aren’t
broken are desperately trying to be.
This leads to a shockingly high percentage of Saga cards
seeing play somewhere. Part of it is because the overall power level was so
high, but it’s also because the power level was spread across themes, colors,
and styles in a reasonably equitable way. Sure, combo and blue decks got the
best of it, but someone has to be the big winner. Cards like Gaea’s Cradle were
certainly busted, but it took people a while to figure that out, since they
were working through the other two dozen equally broken cards.

[2] The archetype “stax” started as The Four Thousand Dollar Solution ($T4KS), a Vintage deck based around fast mana, Sphere of Resistance, Smokestack, and Meditate to purposefully skip turns in order to make the opponent sacrifice more things.
This is something I’m still unsure of: I don’t know if I’m
just excusing these older broken cards out of nostalgia, because they’re the
brokenness I remember rather than the new, scary form of brokenness. To be
blunt, I’m glad that these absurd cards were made, because Magic is just more
fun when we have “power” cards that are powerful in non-1993 ways. Urza’s
broken cards have a certain kind of signature to them; they’re all ideas thrown
down with seemingly no restrictions. This is similar to the build-arounds from
Rath Cycle, except these were clearly never used in any decks to find out just
how good they are.

[3] Changed at the last minute from making colorless mana to making blue, so it fit the cycle.
They realized from this that they should hire, like, actual
good players for Magic Development, so that they could change these things
before they went to print. At the time, though, they had to emergency-ban
Memory Jar because Zvi Mowshowitz wrote them a letter about it.
But that card is from Urza’s Legacy, which would be skipping
ahead a bit. First, a mechanical overview: Saga had two keyworded mechanics
(both left over from Tempest design), as well as sleeping enchantments and free
Cycling is one of the finest mechanics the game has ever
seen, and I wouldn’t be upset at all if they decided to make it evergreen. The
base-level utility is to throw away cards that aren’t useful right now, which
allows players to dig to cards they can actually use and generally play more
interesting games of Magic. The block didn’t really do anything with it, other than having it exist on cards seemingly
at random, but it did have one enabler in Fluctuator (seemingly inspired by the
previous set’s mechanic-enhancer Memory Crystal), which was… slightly too good.
Cycling is a skill-intensive, fun mechanic with a lot of design space, and
Onslaught mined a lot of that very successfully. More Cycling, please, Wizards.

Echo wasn’t quite as good. It had more Constructed
applications than Cycling (Fluctuator excluded), because its entire purpose is
to make cards cost less than they should, which tends to be rather strong.
However, the basic idea of shifting some mana around from one turn to the next
is very bean counter-ish and doesn’t scream fun gameplay to me. There are a
couple cards later in the block that subtly evolve it to make use of enters and
leaves-play triggers, but in its basic implementation, it’s solid but fairly
uninteresting. Mostly, people would pay mana for Deranged Hermit or Avalanche
Riders for the one-time effect, then only pay the echo cost if their hand was
completely awful.
Sleeping enchantments are the forgotten mechanic of the
block, but if you pull up a spoiler, they are all over. They probably account for about 2/3 of the forgotten
rares from Saga. There are very few worth mentioning individually, because they
all do about the same thing: you get a discount on a creature if your opponent
does something that directly allows you to have the creature. I do not like
this design, and apparently, neither did players. Whether my cards function or
not should be because of choices I make, whether during deckbuilding or
gameplay, not whether my opponent deems it acceptable to give me a creature out
of my two-mana enchantment. Most of them are so narrow that they have to be
only sideboard cards, but a larger-than-normal creature when my opponent thinks
it’s the best play for me to have one… that’s not the most exciting sideboard
And then there are free spells, the mechanic that Rosewater
has repeatedly called his most broken. He’s not wrong here, even if he
exaggerates slightly. Yes, Frantic Search is absurd, and earns its place on the
Legacy banned list. But it’s not true that they’re truly free; they’re free like a $1000 piece of electronics with a $1000
rebate is free. If you’re winning off Time Spiral on your first turn, well,
that deck has some other things going on in it that probably shouldn’t happen.
Frantic Search might even be an interesting card at five or so mana. I’ve even
played completely fair games of Magic with Cloud of Faeries and Snap in pauper
decks, and the latter card went in one
of the coolest Block Constructed decks of all time.
They had some development issues. Namely: they should
probably cost more than, oh, one mana more than they normally would. They
shouldn’t be anywhere near Gaea’s Cradle and Tolarian Academy unless you’re
designing a Cube. And seven-mana creatures should probably untap the lands if
you cast it, rather than if it came into play.[4]
It’s certainly a dangerous mechanic, but it has its advantages. It reads very
well, even for newer players, whose heads explode at the idea of spells for no mana! With the right up-front mana
costs, lands that don’t allow their caster to immediately make way too much
mana, and effects that go into strategies other than combo decks, I could see
free spells working.
[4] They gave Great Whale and Palinchron power level errata for this reason, to crush people’s Recurring Nightmare decks. Jerks.
Urza’s Legacy is, as far as I can tell, a bunch of leftovers
from Urza’s Saga. The design team is the same as Saga, except that it doesn’t
have Garfield. All the mechanics are the same. They don’t evolve in any notable
way, other than that Echo appears on noncreatures, and on more than one card
outside red and green.[5]
It suffers very much from being a second set without a unique identity.
[5] Did you know that Urza’s Saga restricted echo to red and green other than Herald of Serra? I didn’t! Why did they do this? Why the one exception? Who knows! Just more Urza’s Saga Mysteries.

Oh shit! These sets were supposed to have a theme, sort of! Urza Block pushed
enchantments in a big way. There are sleeping enchantments, growing
enchantments, auras that came back repeatedly,[6]
enchantments that stay around until they trigger and explode, enchantments that
care about other enchantments, etc. So, yes, these were enchantment sets in the
same way that Weatherlight was a graveyard set.
[6] Rancor obviously the standout. A great example of the things that could slip through in those days: Rancor had a lot of discussion about it as to what it was supposed to cost. The debate was between 1G and 2G, and it seems they decided finally on 2G. No one is sure how it got printed at G, because no one wanted it printed at G.

Of course, it wouldn’t be an Urza set without the combo fun
continuing. Yawgmoth’s Bargain is the only card in the set to remain banned in
Legacy, but its status as a fixed Necropotence (due to higher mana cost) is
somewhat questionable due to Academy Rectors existing in the same set. Treachery is probably the best of any of the free
spells, because five mana for a Control Magic is really good even if you
actually do spend five mana.
Another detour into nostalgia: Plow Under. I know, as an
objective, professional Magic reviewer, that Plow Under should probably not be
allowed to exist as a strong card. It does not lead to fun gameplay for the
person it’s cast against, because they are pretty much out of the game if it
hits them early enough. However, as a bratty kid, I have no fonder Magic-related
memories than casting turn three Plow Under against opponents far better than
…and for some reason they printed Rofellos in the same set.
Come on. That’s just not right. Even as someone who loves Forests, Elves that
tap for mana, and Plow Under, it feels too close to cheating, like it was
planted there to make control players quit the game.
This is a lot of words to say that Urza Block cards were
extremely powerful. But, fifteen years after Destiny was released: were they
good sets? I’d say they were necessary. If they hadn’t made the mistake that
was Urza Block, it would have happened eventually.
Magic needs professional developers, who are good at the
game, to develop the cards, and Saga showed why in the most dramatic way
possible. After Rath Cycle pushed the tempo, there needed to be a point where
people said “stop, that’s too fast.”
We should credit this block not just with leading to “combo
winter,” when turn one and two decks stalked the tournament halls until they
were (mostly) banned out, but to the archetype of combo decks in the first
place. Yes, there was Mike Long’s ProsBloom, with Prosperity, Cadaverous Bloom,
Squandered Resources, and Drain Life, but that was one deck among many. It was
a one-off gimmick. Urza Block showed that combo was capable of a diversity of
decks: Academy-based ones, creature-based ones with Cradle, Fluctuator,
Replenish with Serra’s Sanctum and Opalescence, black ones with Dark Ritual
powering out Yawgmoth’s Bargain.
For many years, the sacred trio of genres of deck was aggro,
control, combo. Now that combo has been made into a historical footnote by
modern design philosophies, this isn’t the case. But when it was, it was
created by Urza Block, and as long as Urza Block cards were legal in a format, combo
decks existed.
This block, which nearly destroyed competitive Magic by
making tournaments coin-flippy and unfun, also led to many of my favorite cards
of all time. In retrospect, I’m incredibly happy these cards exist. Many
formats are richer for them, and Cube would be nowhere without the incredible
plays they make possible. That’s the virtue of an overpowered set: the cards
can live forever, whether in tournament reports, banned lists, apologies from
Wizards, stories from casual play, or unsanctioned drafts. There’s no question
that Urza’s Saga is more important to Magic than Homelands or Prophecy… in
reality, it’s probably more important than some two-year groups of sets.
This is a valuable aspect that Magic has over a digital
game. In League of Legends, if a champion is too good, it gets changed until it
isn’t. There’s no way to do this in Magic, so it doesn’t happen. Want to know
what it would be like to play 2010 Twisted Fate against release Braum?
Completely impossible. Even Hearthstone, a digital card game, adjusts the cost
of its cards from patch to patch, making any equivalent of Cube draft with a
“greatest hits” of the game completely impossible. It makes the only option
“remember when this was better,” instead of “let’s play some games with these
old cards.”
Brokenness is good. Brokenness is valuable. Brokenness is
necessary. Brokenness is fun.
If Urza Block was Magic going out for an insane night and
waking up in a ditch next to naked strangers, Masques block is Magic going
straight, finding a church, and preaching incessantly about the evils of the
lifestyle it used to lead. Next week, we join Masques Block in the No Fun Zone.
Abandon all hope of casting spells.
(Authorial note: due to GP Portland, I'm late publishing this piece already, and didn't want to delay it further just to get the audio up simultaneously. That should get recorded very soon.)
I followed that link to the $T4KS deck and checked it out... then priced it... it's not a $4k deck anymore, now it's about $14k. Still looks fun though.
When Urza's Saga was the current set, my group was not only very casual, but didn't even look at the internet that much. None of us owned a Tolarian Academy. I'm not sure we even knew that Tolarian Academy was a card. For us, Urza's Saga was about Avalanche Riders and Yavimaya Elder, Multani and Radiant, Congregate and Zephid's Embrace, Great Whale cast on turn seven with basic Islands.
This block has been thoroughly Flanderized by the dominant voices of the Magic-related internet (or Mark Rosewater, which is close enough). Much like Storm, the view seems to be "Broken things happened with this block, so it must have been all about broken things."
Your perspective of Mercadia being a block made only by development to avoid another Urza and thus save their jobs is an interesting one, but I still wonder how Mark Rosewater survived. He himself admits that he designed (in some cases single-handedly) many of the problematic cards from Urza; yet he is still within the walls of R&D, and other designers and developers from that era are long gone.
Thank you for this post.
I'm really glad to see this take on Urza's Saga. I'd stopped playing around Ice Age for reasons not really related to the game itself--the last set I bought packs from was Alliances, and its greatness reinstalled some faith that the game wasn't as dead as Homelands, Fourth Edition, even Ice Age to some extent had suggested. But I still had the lingering suspicion that they were going to avoid the dangers of ABU and early broken cards by never making anything really exciting again. When I would look over the Urza cards about a year after they came out I didn't notice the broken stuff--I wasn't actually playing, after all--I just saw how the sheer number of cool "normal" cards, how the default attitude seemed to be to just make cards cool, not underpowered. It was like the anti-Ice-Age; whereas Ice Age and the sets following seemed to be about keeping everything as tame as possible, the average Urza card seemed to default to being something you would be happy to play, even knowing it might not be ultimately any better than a Craw Wurm. Cards like Serra Avatar obviously weren't up to the snuff I'd learned a Magic card had to be to be competitive, but it was as sweet a version of itself as it be. Contrast to like Seraph in Ice Age. It was like they had decided that Magic cards, every last one of them, should be cool. I remember imagining versions of each Ice Age card that weren't needlessly bad--in my head, I'd trim a mana point here, or clean up a needlessly high activation cost there. That was what Urza's Saga seemed to be in actuality. And I think it was a necessary and invaluable door for the game to walk through to find its way back to fun and awe, even if they overdid it on several (highly inventive) cards. And even those broken cards showed it was a game that *wanted* to allow cool format-breaking tricks. It wasn't forever going to be scared away from grandeur by the experience of '93-'94.
FWIW, I haven't been able to find anything about Zvi writing a letter that lead to the banning of Memory Jar. Memory Jar was hair-trigger banned when Randy Buehler and Erik Lauer played Memory Jar/Megrim combo to a GP top 8 immediately after it became legal.
Could you be thinking of Zvi's open letter calling for an emergency ban of Quiet Speculation?
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