
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

if you're an MRA, don't play magic

Magic players pride themselves on being an opening, welcoming community. Anyone can enter a Magic tournament at a store they’ve never been to and make a dozen new friends. This is good, until the people the community is being opening and welcoming toward are awful. Then, because Magic players are so nice and kind, they’re unwilling to ever tell people to get out.

A rare exception happened this week. Alex Hinkley wrote a review of a Duels of the Planeswalkers expansion for StarCityGames. Some people, notably Erin Campbell, found out that he happened to be a horrible misogynist who would rant at feminists on twitter and loosely use words like “faggot” in his tweets. I found her research and crossposted it as an article comment to Hinkley’s review. Half an hour later, he’d been fired from SCG.

He’d like to think that the only reason he got fired is that he called one of his friends a faggot. I hope this isn’t the only reason this happened. Personally, I’m happy he’s gone because Men’s Rights Advocates like him are horrible, hateful people that have no place in the Magic community.

There have been some thoughtful long-form pieces about this awful group of likeminded dudes. This is not one of them.

I have no interest in starting a dialogue with MRAs, debating them, or comparing our ideologies in rational discourse. I want them to get out of my community.

If you identify as a Men’s Rights Advocate, don’t play Magic.

If you support the #gamergate “movement,” don’t play Magic.

If you harass feminists over their ideologies, don’t play Magic.

If you search for MRA-related terms and try to argue with women, don’t play Magic.

If you try to argue with anti-racist minority activists about who the real racists are, don’t play Magic.

If you unironically tell people to take the “red pill” when it comes to gender issues, don’t play Magic.

If you defend your right as a straight person to call people a faggot, don’t play Magic.

If you defend your right as a white person to call someone a nigger, don’t play Magic.

If you complain on a regular basis about “Social Justice Warriors,” don’t play Magic.

If you write screeds about how “cultural Marxism” is doing whatever, don’t play Magic.

If you identify as a “pickup artist,” don’t play Magic.

If you are in any way bigoted against minorities, women, trans people, whoever, don’t play Magic.

If your response to the above is that maybe these people agitating about feminism and minority rights are the real bigots, don’t play Magic.

This is not the opening salvo in a long campaign. This is not intended to change the minds of these awful people. This is setting the boundaries of who I want in my game store, in my cube drafts, in my Twitter feed, in my group of friends who play Magic.

It is our duty, as longtime Magic players, to throw out people who don’t belong. If I go to a PTQ and my first round opponent is a known hateful piece of shit, I don’t have to grace them with my presence and treat them like a human being playing a game. I’m standing up and walking out, because they have no business playing a game with me.

There is plenty of room for political diversity in Magic. There are conservatives, liberals, libertarians, socialists, whatever. That’s fine. But MRAs are bigots, and bigotry has no place near a game I play.

Men’s Rights Advocates, upon reading this, might take it not as a call to leave, but as an enormous “fuck you.”

Good. MRAs: fuck you. I might catch more flies with honey, but I’m not trying to catch them. I’m trying to force them out.

Questions, comments, and concerns should be directed to @KillGoldfish


  1. Thank you! I had to have a conversation with the only level 2 judge in Phoenix today about why it wasn't appropriate for him to be posting on his public facebook page about why we need to stop "feminist bullying."

    1. And what was the long and short of that conversation? Why was it inappropriate for an L2 to post anti-feminist bullying information on his public Facebook page?

  2. If you think MTG is a feminist/MRA issue, perhaps you need to readjust your priorities.

  3. Huh, was looking forward to getting into magic. Was talking to two buddies about it this past weekend, the draft-style weekly competitions look really cool and there's a shop right around the corner of my place in Cambridge.

    But you kind of sound like a close minded tool. I support Gamergate, and that's fine. Also honestly I'm not too comfortable with the rise of "SJWs" and increasing prevalence in the PC police on social media. I'm not comfortable with you telling people what they can say, who they can be, and what they can support.

    I doubt I'll take your views into account over whether I decide to play Magic or not. You sound like a jerk.

    1. Gamergate is fucked and so are you. There is nothing good about it. Its not about 'journalistic integrity', its about male entitlement. Its stupid, and I hope you never play MtG

    2. No evidence at all. You just sound like a bigot.

  4. "If you think MTG is a feminist/MRA issue, perhaps you need to readjust your priorities."

    Obviously, MTG is not a feminist/MRA issue, nor is KG saying it is. He's saying: let's not socially tolerate MRAs. If KG proposed not socially tolerating the extremely flatulent, that wouldn't mean he was proposing MTG was an IRL murder "issue," just that he doesn't like interacting with the extremely flatulent.

    Or maybe you mean that the problem is prioritizing feminism over MTG? That seems a little strange. I mean, I implicitly prioritize MTG over politics every Friday night that I go to FNM over an organizing meeting, but having some sort of obligation to that effect strikes me as more than a little bizarre.

  5. Taking a "don't be an ass" stance is fine; I think we're all behind it. But you're throwing the kitchen sink in here. I think your list clumps together people who don't deserve to be treated that way.

    For example, if Adam Baldwin showed up to play Magic, should he be thrown out? I have yet to seen any offensive quotes from him about women, but he's well behind "Gamergate" and therefore included in your list alongside someone calling people "faggot", "nigger, or "bitch". I hope that's not what you mean, but that's the line you drew.

    Nor is your list inclusive. There are any number of ways to be rude or bullying, directly or indirectly. None should be welcome. And I suspect you agree, but you didn't take a stance against hostile social behavior. You took a stance against your profile of a misogynist. But as with most profiles, you're going to fire wide.

    I'm glad you're speaking out to improve the community. I don't know anything about Hinkley but it sounds like you did good work in exposing him. However, I think it's perfectly valid to criticize some SJWs in much the same way as you would MRAs. I also think it's valid to point out racism regardless of source or target without declaring any group as "always wrong" or "beyond reproach". And I don't think any community benefits from excluding those with different points of view, provided the conversation is civil.

  6. Fuck yes. Nerdy men are beginning to get down right paranoid about preserving their privilege within their tiny little worlds. We should have none of it.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I'm a pretty progressive guy. I probably agree with you on almost everything politically. I think gamergate is awful, am a big fan of social justice, and think racism is one of the great problems of our time. And I completely disagree with you on this article.

    I despise the fact that Israel is committing atrocities against a captive people. Should I advocate that everyone who supports Israel leave the magic community?

    Or let's say I was a "pro-lifer' and I honestly believed abortion to be murder. Should I advocate that everyone who supports baby murder leave the magic community?

    What about people who work for oil companies? Tobacco companies? Defense Contractors?

    Many of these people who profoundly disagree with you actually believe that they are arguing from the ethical position. Some of them might be persuadable, some of them not. But this is a game we all play and love, and a way to connect with people we might disagree with a lot. Do we really remove everyone who doesnt fit our narrow definition of what's right? Because if so 36 year old Jon might have to give 20 year old Jon who was against affirmative action, pro Israel, and believed that US interventionism was a force for good in the world the boot from the magic community.

  9. Telling everyone who don't like feminism or the general spirit of the times in everything related to social justice to get the fuck out but saying that it's okay if you're a conservative doesn't make any sense at all. Progressivism, which this is, is directly antithetical to all forms of conservatism, which leads me to believe you really don't know what you're talking about. Not to say that the MRA movement isn't a bunch of softcock wankers with an ideology that developed in youtube comments.

  10. yeah you seem like a real faggot

  11. As someone Pro-GamerGate who has played Magic for many years (I still have an Alpha Lotus), I just wanted to say:

    I'd never think to kick anyone from playing with me over a difference of opinions. Gaming is for everyone, no matter your race, gender, religion, orientation, etc.

    I also stand behind Mike Morhaime's call to be excellent to one another. The whole perpetuating cycle of anger might end if more people from both sides would simply do that.

  12. "Male entitlement"? There is absolutely zero truth to that. But eh, not much good to reason with someone filled with so much hate. I prefer to just continue being excellent to one another, and gaming with anyone regardless of their gender. (Yes, that includes MtG, which I've played for right about two decades now.)

  13. Obviously Hinkley has represented MtG poorly, but what about Tait's outburst of insanity a few weeks back? That was from the opposite side of the spectrum. There was no excuse for what Tait did. It was just insane. This is like 3 steps away from that. Don't be that guy, dude.

    1. My point being this. All of this MRA/SJW/RadicalFeminists/gamergate crap is toxic & stupid. I came here for great set reviews & uncensored opinion pieces on MTG. Not on other people's awful flaws. FWIW, it also sounds like you're talking out of your ass a bit. Practice what is preached & lead by example. Show tolerance even to the intolerant. Two wrongs don't make right. You know where I'm going here.

      Don't write garbage like this. It's dumb.

  14. Since you support threatening people's livelihood for expressing their beliefs, you must be pretty much expecting me to cancel my Patreon. No $1 for you!

  15. This is quite the rabbit hole to go down, if you want to go down it. One of my favorite blogs talks about issues of tribalism and issues of modern debate: Of particular note is his writing on gender and such.

  16. KG, you really should go back to talking about Magic design. You're actually good at that. This is just an unsubstantiated rant about a topic that you clearly haven't looked at in much detail. Just... Don't. I mean, you can say whatever you want. I'm not telling you not to, I'm asking you not to. Please don't. Or at least go read up on the topic before you start talking about it. I realise that you're not actually gonna listen, but just... Please. You're not making yourself look very good right now.

  17. This really isn't the kind of thing I come to your blog to read about. Your insights into magic are entertaining and insightful. Your personal beliefs, political leanings, and vitriol are not. If I wanted content like this I'd go to Reddit, Tumblr, or a hundred other similar websites and news syndicates trumpeting the horn of things I really don't care about one way or the other. Right now, your content is unique. If that changes, I can't see much reason to choose a blogspot over Cracked.

  18. I don't consider myself an MRA, but I can't stand SJWs. I will continue to play magic, anyway. *Shrug*

  19. Good stuff! Hopefully any racists, homoprobes, transphobes, MRA's, redpillers, pro-gamergate folk (associating with people who make death threats and bomb scares for "gaming journalism ethics"), etc will learn how damaging their viewpoints are and change. Until then, I do not want to interact with them.

  20. Jesus fucking christ, you guys act like a fucking cult. Look at yourselves in the fucking mirror for a second.

    You're too much of a pussy to kick anyone out of anywhere, anyways, so why put up the tough act?

  21. lukasthing, are you referring to those death threats that Sarkeesian could never provide police reports for? Or the bomb threats that the authorities declared to not be real threats? Or the death threats that Brianna Wu took so seriously that she decided to broadcast her location through Twitter the whole time while she was supposedly fleeing her home? Which, even if they were somehow real despite the discrepancies in the stories about them, have not actually been proven to have any connection to anyone involved in the whole GG mess? Those threats? Yeah, those are absolutely fair to use as proof for why the movement is evil. As we all know, grassroots movements are known for having their members agree on everything, and it's not like these actions are denounced by almost everyone in the movement.

    Damn, it's like hearing fundamentalist theists that represent the majority religion in a country complaining that they are oppressed because there are people who don't share their views and they're allowed to roam freely and have opinions. What has this world come to?!

    As a side note, that guy from Breitbart relayed his experiences with getting death threats, as well as various objects in the mail, such as a syringe with an unknown fluid and a dead animal. Maybe it's not that the GamerGate people are the ones that do all those bad things, maybe it's just that only the anti-movement try to use it to gain sympathy and make out the others as horrible monsters? Just maybe.

    I'm not even for the whole GamerGate thing, I think it's pointless whining, but seeing the actions and words of those who are against it makes it hard not to defend the side that's not constantly making shit up about what horrible misogynist monsters the other side is.

  22. Rock on and screw these commenters (with a few exceptions). It's a goddamn blog; rants and statements of personal vision--that may or may not be realistic and actionable--are part of the genre. You're spot-on, imho, but even if I disagreed, I wouldn't say this is "making you look bad" or that it's "not what should be in this blog."

  23. I am only just reading this entry and wanted to be counted among those that love it. Magic would be improved by the inclusion of many types of people, but it needs no entitled bigots.

  24. "Magic players pride themselves on being an opening, welcoming community."

    "It is our duty, as longtime Magic players, to throw out people who don’t belong"

    I don't really have to say much, you kinda do it to yourself.

  25. Fair enough. I've got a crate of Magic cards dating back to the early 90's. They will now be sold off.

  26. "Magic players pride themselves on being an opening, welcoming community. Anyone can enter a Magic tournament "

    That conflicts with the title of the article. You just proved you're not welcoming

  27. Do you know what a bigot is? It's someone who is intolerant of people with opposing/differing viewpoints.

    You've literally written an entire blog post proclaiming your bigotry while demanding that bigots don't play Magic.

    Please try to remember that the people behind the labels you so zealously loathe are not subhuman monsters; they're people. Just like you and I. And just like you and I they are entirely capable of being decent human beings whose only evident fault is believing things that you don't want them to believe in.

    Magic should be a welcoming community, not a hobby whose entrance fee is ideological acquiescence. You don't have to agree with everything a person does in order to play a game with them, do you?

  28. Fuck off, coward. If you can't handle talking to people that disagree with you, you have no business pretending that your ideas are important, or should in any way dominate discourse.

  29. I think you're going to find that if you forfeit every match you have against someone with a different viewpoint than you that you're going to have a very poor track record competition wise. I'm pretty sure any event organizers won't mind though as they'll already have your money. :)

    In fact, if I was a truly competitive player and knew you posted this I would lie about my viewpoints just to make you forfeit. XD

  30. So you got a guy fired because of his dissenting opinions in the name of a "welcoming community".

    No wait, it's "your" welcoming community and you are "trying to force [people] out."

    Remember my name, remember that I support gamergate and don't forget to run screaming if we ever get paired against each other like the playground child you are. I'll take the free win and have a good chuckle while I'm at it.

  31. So you got a guy fired because of his dissenting opinions in the name of a "welcoming community".

    No wait, it's "your" welcoming community and you are "trying to force [people] out."

    Remember my name, remember that I support gamergate and don't forget to run screaming if we ever get paired against each other like the playground child you are. I'll take the free win and have a good chuckle while I'm at it.

  32. I'm sorry but you can't tell someone to stop playing a game because you disagree with their beliefs. Imagine if we told every man-hating feminist they couldn't play League of Angels? Imagine how many empty servers they'd be. Stop trying to politicize games and punish people who don't adhere to feminism.

  33. The Author looks absolutely toxic to any community; including the Magic the Gathering community.

  34. The Author looks absolutely toxic to any community; including the Magic the Gathering community.

  35. I play national MTG tourneys in Italy regularly and know every other tourney partecipant, we all support #GamerGate.
    Because questioning radicals (or whatever side) trying to force politics into entertainment is not "harassment" nor "misogyny".
    Because using fearmongering like this to shut down dissent and attempt to create uniformed opinion environments in the MTG community doesn't fly well with the diverse nature of it.
    Because we went through Fascism and we know that gatekeeping places and outcasting people who hold different opinion is the fundament of that ideology.
    Because abusing, shaming and dehumanizing people on the basis of baseless allegations made up against them, or their opinion, is unacceptable.
    And especially because tolerance involves welcoming different opinions.

    You "SJWs", both the left and right version, want control over people's opinions everywhere, you want uniformity while preaching diversity, you want to infantilize women while preaching women's rights, you are intolerant of dissent while preaching tolerance.
    You are everything you blame others to be, you're easily the biggest case of projection I've ever seen in my life.

    So no, I stand here firm and will play MTG while not bending over to your terroristic fear tactics.
    Now go, call my employer and my parents, add me to blacklists and all that stuff you guys do and call "social justice", without realizing you are carbon copies of the Fascists.

  36. "Magic is open and welcoming... Unless you're an MRA and then we don't want you".

    Didn't take you long to become completely full of shit. You can't say you're a welcoming community and then in the same stroke generalize an entire group of people.

    Fuckin bigots man...

  37. >Magic is inclusive for everybody
    >If you disagree with me at all, get the fuck out
    Pick one, asshole. You cannot be inclusive while at the same time saying people who disagree can't join.
    No, I'm not talking about people who, you know, actually DO want women as second-class citizens (those people can go fuck themselves and probably wouldn't play MTG anyway because, you know, MAGIC scares them). I'm talking about people who think that maaaaaaaaybe modern feminists have gone a bit far with their "kill all men" crap.

  38. As a long time Magic Player, Go fuck yourself.

  39. LOL, you are a fucking asshole. I will play MTG as much as I want, and if you don't like then you can leave.

    BTW "male entitlement!!!111!!", "mysogynerds!11!!!:

    GamerGate is more diverse and open than you.

  40. Obviously the author can't actually dictate whether anyone plays Magic. They're just saying you have terrible opinions and deserve to be shown that those opinions are unacceptable.

    And they are. And you do. MRAs, Gamergate, ranting about SJWs . . .all of this looks like absurd flailing to everyone on the outside looking on. And yet - as long as you mostly travel in closed nerd circles, you can insulate yourself from that. You can say things like "all the threats were lies and conspiracies!" and not be laughed at.

    That needs to change. I don't know if I would have laughed as coarsely as the author, but if you don't want to be subjected to it, don't hold laughable opinions.

  41. *snort*
    "If you're X, don't play Magic"

    Sure thing kid. Whatever you say.


  42. If you have a social agenda you want to be dominant, DON'T FUCKING PLAY TABLETOP GAMES AT ALL. Those of us who are tolerant, but diverse, have been here for longer than hipsters like you have been alive, we built this hobby up with our money, our time, and our passion. Now you thick rimmed fashion glasses wearing rainbow haired perpetually offended asshats see it's popular because some supposedly progressive pricks put it on a TV show and want in to tell everyone how it should be. Tell you what, if you don't like the culture the way it is, GET THE HELL OUT. We won't complain, heck, we'll even help you on your way, maybe even give you some suggestions on where you may feel comfortable.

    Here's the rub, YOU DON'T CHANGE GAMING CULTURE, it changes YOU. And ironically, it makes you LESS of a racist, sexist, bigoted ass if you let it. Why? We care about skill and fun, not about your race, gender or ideology. If you care about those before your skill or fun, then you are ruining it for everyone else, and you aren't wanted. When gaming goes back to being stigmatized, and it will, you won't be here anymore. We will. We love the hobby, you just want to pretend to be in charge. There's more of us then there are of you, and we made it what it is. Go make your own culture, and stop trying to fuck up everyone else's.

  43. Your a hateful, spiteful person. You would bully and ostracize people you refuse to even listen to. Cancerous.

  44. It's interesting that the second I say "this kind of mentality is the kind of bigotry you speak against" I will be called a misogynistic pig or some such. Feminists are literally infecting everything. And bullies like you get endorsed by the mainstream at every turn while the little guy just trying to mind their own business gets thrown under the bus.

  45. Are you that fucking delusional? If anything, the real cancer to the Magic community are people like you. For people to whine about places not being inclusive enough, you always take it over and then exclude anyone that doesn't fit your ignorant narrow views of the world. You are a fucking hypocrite.

  46. So even if pople keep their politics separate from Magic you want them out and to create protected classes because apparently even arguing with a feminsit (so anyone who argues with C.H.Sommers would come under this as Feminism isn't a singular uniform ideology) you'd want out.

    Sorry but when some feminists deny Biological Science itself it rather does become worthy of debate.

    Also with the threshold of claiming harrassment according to certain feminists being told you're wrong by multiple people then it does kind of show a problem.

    If you don't want such people in your store it seems weird to me you wouldn't identify it so we can all happily go elsewhere as you do not want such people about. Unless of course you merely mean a store you visit in which case what gives you the right to control the rules of who can and can't be in said store?

    "It is our duty, as longtime Magic players, to throw out people who don’t belong. If I go to a PTQ and my first round opponent is a known hateful piece of shit, I don’t have to grace them with my presence and treat them like a human being playing a game. I’m standing up and walking out, because they have no business playing a game with me."

    So it's not anyones duty to throw people out over sociopolitical disagreements. If you wish to get up and walk out then fine I'm sure the default loss you'll likely get if you refuse to take the match won't hugely bother people.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. SJWs are ruining magic. Too bad for you but all kinds of people play Magic. Apparently, that means having to put up with pozzed faggots like you, but thankfully you're in the minority, or at least people like you are too much of a pussy to say anything in real life (probably a good idea).

  49. "I have no interest in starting a dialogue with MRAs, debating them, or comparing our ideologies in rational discourse. I want them to get out of my community."

    This is the language of a bigot, openly admitting to not wanting a rational discussion with someone that holds a differing opinion. You are against mens rights and act like people fighting for them are the horrible ones.

    You are the problem with the MTG community, the kind of unwelcoming and hateful people that drive away others. You do so under the guise of "I'm a good person and I'm just keeping out the undesirables" when in reality you are just against people who do not share your bigoted opinions. You slander them as being hateful and prevent them from having a voice to prove otherwise.

    Your own post proves this.

  50. So the author is happy that Hinkley got fired and is hoping it was due to his personal views posted on a personal account that wasn't connected to his company? Does this mean the author should be fired from his job for posting pro-segregation views on his personal blog unaffiliated with his place of business?

  51. Imagine the pathetic life of whoever wrote this piece.

  52. "We're an open, welcoming community." "If you care about gender equality issues that affect men, get the fuck out." "If your political viewpoints are different from mine, get the fuck out."

    Modern progressives in a nutshell. No one is allowed to just play the game and have fun anymore. For some reason there's a need to examine everyone's political views and kick people out. MTG can't be about the game anymore, it has to be about politics now. Ridiculous.

  53. It's hilarious you insult MRAs or whoever - on your Magic card game blog. You're a grown man who gets together with other grown men and plays "fantasy" card games? Two questions: 1. Is this serious? 2. Do you think you'll ever have a girlfriend?

  54. If you identify as a Men’s Rights Advocate, don’t play Magic.
    - I'm a woman. I advocate for equality between men and women. I don't ascribe to any label.

    If you support the #gamergate “movement,” don’t play Magic.
    - If you believe the lies the media has told you about #gamergate, maybe you're not smart enough for Magic.

    If you harass feminists over their ideologies, don’t play Magic.
    - I don't harass anyone. If someone puts out their shitty, collectivist, intersectionalist opinions on a public platform, I will call them out on their bullshit and move on.

    If you search for MRA-related terms and try to argue with women, don’t play Magic.
    - This means you can't argue with me, or you shouldn't play Magic. :^)

    If you try to argue with anti-racist minority activists about who the real racists are, don’t play Magic.
    - Racism is prejudice plus power, but don't automatically assume that just because power is zero, prejudice isn't. 5 + 0 is still 5. On the other hand, don't automatically assume that just because power isn't zero, that prejudice also isn't zero.

    If you unironically tell people to take the “red pill” when it comes to gender issues, don’t play Magic.
    - I'm really mad at the culture wars for taking this concept from one of the coolest movies ever.

    If you defend your right as a straight person to call people a faggot, don’t play Magic.
    - I defend everyone's right to say whatever the fuck they want. Including you making this blog post.

    If you defend your right as a white person to call someone a nigger, don’t play Magic.
    - See above.

    If you complain on a regular basis about “Social Justice Warriors,” don’t play Magic.
    - I'd like to see you stop me.

    If you write screeds about how “cultural Marxism” is doing whatever, don’t play Magic.
    - I'd like to see you stop me.

    If you identify as a “pickup artist,” don’t play Magic.

  55. If you can't be bothered to learn to see other perspectives, don't play Magic.

    If you make assumptions and sweeping generalizations about an entire group of people, don't play Magic.

    If you make straw man arguments, don't play Magic.

    If you ascribe labels to people to justify hatred and intolerance in the name of perceived moral superiority, don't play Magic.

    Fortunately, it sounds as though you've quit. Please don't come back.

    1. I don't know if anyone's every going to read this comment, but I regret making this post, and have since changed my mind. What I didn't know at the time was that when someone says "Men's Rights," they almost never mean men's rights. The only people who identify as "men's rights activists" nowadays are misogynists using the term in a poor attempt to seem more respectable than they really are.

      I believe in equal rights for both men and women, and there's already a word for that: a feminist.

  56. "It is our duty, as longtime Magic players, to throw out people who don’t belong"

    wow this totally sounds inclusive
    totally not like the type of person who wants to keep magic cliquey
